Bowness & Windermere set to benefit from new Welcome Ambassadors!

Together with The Lake District National Park Authority, Bowness and Windermere Forward are recruiting and training volunteers to become the Lake District’s version of the Olympic Game Makers!

Welcoming visitors with a smile, free map and dedicated local information at key arrival points, visitors will be encouraged to make the most of their stay by exploring the breadth of Bowness and Windermere, the surrounding viewing points and lake shore activities.

To find out more about the volunteer role and benefits of volunteering, please read this role profile and or contact for more information.

A training event for interested volunteers is taking place on the 15th of February at Windermere Works on Oldfield Court at 10am – please book via Chris.


Partnership Project with The Lake District Foundation Underway

Bowness and Windermere Forward are currently developing a joint project with the Lake District Foundation to research and test assumptions regarding the perceived need to enhance the viewing points and walking trails around Bowness and Windermere.

Following on from the success of the new Bowness and Windermere Map, the
long term ambition is to enhance all viewing points so they are accessible, well promoted and interpreted to celebrate the area and its World Heritage Status.

Additionally, utilising The Lake District Foundation’s expertise, each enhanced route would integrate Visitor Giving opportunities to allow visitors to donate towards a project fund specifically for Bowness and Windermere projects.

The first phase toward achieving this goal is to generate evidence for potential funders which demonstrates how the idea can generate benefits for local communities. Together with The Lake District Foundation, we are preparing an application to Awards for All for a development grant – more news on the success of this to follow.

Enhancement Survey

Bowness and Windermere Forward have created a survey for local people and business owners to complete. Our aim is to find out where you would like to see improvements. We will use the gathered information to help us prioritise projects and secure future funding.

The survey will take around five minutes to complete (unless you have lots of ideas which is welcomed!).

Please follow this link to complete the survey. 

Thank you for your support.

New Bowness & Windermere Map

Bowness and Windermere Forward have created a new map for the area to promote the many scenic viewing areas and promote sustainable transport messages.

The maps will be used by volunteers to welcome visitors to the area and ensure they know how to access parts of Bowness and Windermere they might otherwise miss.

Follow this link to view page one which includes ‘Things you may not know about Bowness and Windermere’, sustainable transport options and attractions in the area.  This link takes you to page two which is the main map.

Please contact if you would like to order free copies.